AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience
Coming Soon

AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience Coming Soon

Now Manage Projects on Social Networks

Qik offers easy connectivity via a plethora of social marketing sites. This helps in a great user-interface.

Social media is the buzzword among start-up firms.

New social networking sites are proving to be easy money churners.

Adverts / Likes

Guess what social media marketing can achieve

Now go ahead promoting your business with our new social media marketplace. We offer loads of new web features. We provide 24/7 support via Live platforms.

View Likes & Dislikes

Now rate your client comments and reviews online

New Personal Profile

Publish your profile pic on social media platform

Promoting a Brand

Company branding strategy via social media sites

Satisfied Clients
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Global Presence
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Media Platforms

Get into a social media network.

Our framework provides a robust platform for all new start-ups, via social networking sites. It’s easy to interact with clients.

Start Interaction

Making clients social media-friendly via web.

Place Listing

Map listing on social media sites & networks.

Social Branding

Promoting your new brands on social media.

Client Support

Providing 24/7 support via Live platforms.

Social Media Interface

An impact via social networking platforms

Now manage your clients, business, sales campaigns & marketing effort via social media sites. It plays a big role to reach out. Now rate your client comments and reviews online.

Create a social identity online

We help build a strong presence via our new social sites for promoting your new brands.

Getting in the groove of social media

Find out what’s trending in the world of social networking sites.

What our clients speak of us?

Know what our customers have to say about us in the area of Live Chat services.

Trusted by over 300,000 professionals & users globally

Request for a FREE demo by initiating your free trial now.

See How RealE 360 is Different

See How RealE 360 is Different