AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience
Coming Soon

AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience Coming Soon

Grow with RealE 360: An advanced automation solution built on Salesforce

Real Estate Automation Solution

Because the real estate industry has always been unstructured, the industry rarely sees any new trends. However, the real estate model has just undergone a dramatic shift.  The advancement in technology has made automation a possibility for every business process – even real estate. Automation has become a key to success across industries: according to […]

5 Effective Lead Closing Techniques for Real Estate Agents

Closing a real estate deal is the last step in acquiring a contract with a buyer, so it becomes necessary to approach it carefully and strategically. For a real estate agent, negotiating and finalizing the deal is the most rewarding part of the whole sales process, but it is also the most delicate. Whether he […]

See How RealE 360 is Different

See How RealE 360 is Different