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AI Crafted, fully loaded, all-in-one Real Estate Experience Coming Soon

Grow with RealE 360: An advanced automation solution built on Salesforce

Real Estate Automation Solution

Because the real estate industry has always been unstructured, the industry rarely sees any new trends. However, the real estate model has just undergone a dramatic shift. 

The advancement in technology has made automation a possibility for every business process – even real estate. Automation has become a key to success across industries: according to the research firm Gleanster, approximately 80% of top-performing organizations have utilized marketing automation for more than two years.

Realtors have been impacted by this recent increase in the availability and capabilities of specialized digital technology. There is still a slew of issues that realtors must deal with:

  • Low market demand
  • Expectations of customers
  • Inadequate communication routes
  • Inadequate data analytics

Given the unique demands of the real estate industry, technologies that are highly adaptable, efficient, versatile, and effective are in great demand. Salesforce’s RealE 360  steps in to fix these issues while ensuring that you are always available to your clients.

Real Estate CRM solution

What does RealE 360 offer?

RealE 360 is a comprehensive real-estate automation solution on Salesforce offered by CEPTES, which enables real estate agents, next-gen realtors, and brokerage firms to develop their business portfolios and streamline their complex sales processes.

For realtors looking to automate activities linked with Commercial and Residential Properties, the solution is the go-to partner. It’s ideal for prospecting, nurturing, marketing, and payment in the real estate industry. 

With the dynamic real-estate automation technology RealE 360, you can not only improve your sales processes, but also gain better visibility, eliminate major operational costs and time, increase productivity, and ensure a comprehensive 360-degree customer view. 


Key Features of RealE 360

Customer 360

You get a complete 360-degree view of your prospects/leads with RealE 360, and you can drive a high level of personalization to close sales faster.


Information Accessibility 

Get all of the information you need on the fly, including customer information, project details, financial data, and so on. RealE 360 gives you the ability to connect your chat software to your CRM.  Set up Sales Signals in CRM for new chat notifications and send CRM to lead approvals and reminders for events or calls through your chat tool.


Dashboards & Reporting

Customers, properties, partners, campaigns, sales reports, and financial reports, among other business aspects, are all shown on RealE 360’s clutter-free, single dashboard. To improve sales processes and produce more leads, you can create customized reports based on numerous parameters such as property kinds, demographics, and monthly sales. The platform gives you a complete picture of your partners and outside agencies.


Read here: 7 Smart Reasons Why You Need RealE360?



You can tailor the solution to match your specific company requirements. RealE 360 can meet your specific business requirements.


Third-party Integration

RealE 360 provides APIs to seamlessly integrate any external third-party service for a better business experience. API integrations allow businesses to automate processes by connecting their programs and databases to industry-specific applications. They allow employees to profit from several cloud-based apps while also increasing product creation by ensuring smooth and continuous connectivity between them.



RealE 360 UI allows you to access all information in real-time while on the road. On any device, at any time, sales representatives can access information on customers, properties, price details, and reports, among other things. Your employees see client information and their whole conversation history in real-time. 


Lead Management 

You can get leads from a variety of places and route them to different sales agents based on their area, segment, and availability, among other factors. One of the best features of RealE 360 is that it automatically sends emails to the gathered leads.


Simple bills and invoices

Salesforce’s RealE 360 enables your team to create and maintain quotations, invoices, price books, and bills in their accounts, completing the sales cycle. Use powerful inventory management capabilities to manage all of your post-sales activities, and communicate your quotes and bills with prospects using custom email and invoice templates.


RealE 360 helps you provide an omnichannel customer experience, and integrate other portals and social media networks.


Creating Documents

With RealE 360, you can create sales, service, financial, and legal papers with just one single click.


Calendar synchronization

Another attractive feature that RealE 360 provides is that you can sync your schedule with the application and ensure that you never miss a deal.


RealE 360 for small real estate business

RealE 360 has a simple, easy-to-use interface that can help small real estate businesses get up and running quickly. Marketing automation, email marketing, customer service, and team communication are all included in Salesforce’s RealE 360, allowing your team to get up and running as quickly as possible without having to purchase extra software. To aid budget allocation, you can also determine the best and worst-performing ads.


To Sum Up

RealE 360 can help your real estate business manage the end-to-end process management, monitoring incoming requests to create price estimates or even selling commercial real estate to property management. 

In the long run, this software is only a small investment which will give you a high return on your investment and increase agent efficiency. With RealE 360, you can automate your entire lead management cycle starting from capturing leads to closing deals. Connect with us today.


About Us

RealE 360 is a comprehensive automation solution built on the world’s #1 CRM platform ‘Salesforce’ will help modern-day realtors, real estate agents, brokerage firms spend less time on intricate processes and more time growing business portfolios.

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