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The Ultimate Email Marketing Guide for Real Estate

Email Marketing Guide for Real Estate


Real estate is a highly competitive market. It’s not easy to become a top-tier realtor. You need to retain and build your client base regularly, as well as remain top-of-mind for potential leads.

But how will you be able to maintain relationships with each prospect along the way? The solution is to use email marketing for real estate. Save, sort, and segment your contacts with this excellent marketing tool. You have complete control over your mailing list and the message you wish to send.

The right email marketing helps you reach more people and win more sales. In this email marketing guide, we’ll show you how to create a perfect email, establish long-lasting relationships, close deals and keep in touch with new homeowners and happy sellers.


Why Should Realtors Consider Email Marketing?


It isn’t enough to be just active online; real estate agents must also engage with their internet audience. Buying or selling a home is a huge decision for any person. Deciding to contact a realtor might take months or even years for them.

Email is ideal for nurturing and engaging with prospective buyers and sellers. Realtors can leverage email marketing to nurture buyers that aren’t ready to buy today but will be in the future. Later, when they need an agent, you’ll be someone they already know and trust as a professional.

email campaign for real estate agents

The Best Real Estate Emails: How to create and Send Them

Create an Email list

The first step of your email campaign is to explore and find relevant accounts. Go online and search for businesses that might need your services. Try to get referrals from your existing customers and acquaintances(never underestimate the power of word of mouth). 

One of the best email list-building tactics is opt-in forms. You can embed them on your website as a pop-up advertisement or in the top corner.

Further, you can embed double opt-in forms into your website. In this case, subscriptions are followed by a confirmation email delivered to the provided email addresses, ensuring they are 100% willing to get emails. As soon as the opt-in form is integrated with the website, interested subscribers will start signing up. The best part about these opt-in forms is that you can be certain the user did so voluntarily and is hence likely to be interested in further discussions.


Create a Segmented List


For your subscribers to respond and engage with your email, you need to send them personalized content. Segmenting is an important step in an email campaign. Based on your key metrics, you can divide the email list into various groups. Your email list can be divided and segmented based on the geography or the metrics set by you. By delivering only relevant and helpful content, segmentation increases the likelihood of building relationships with the audience. 


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Choose a campaign idea

After audience segmentation, the next step is to decide on your campaign. Here is a list of suggestions from which you can select.


Welcome emails

A brand sending a customer a welcome email is a nice way to establish a relationship. According to research, welcome emails can uplift the unique open rate by 86%. Welcome emails can include useful details about your services, your business & your overall objective, in addition to presenting your brand.


Follow Up Emails

These emails are sent to clients who have shown interest in a property, purchased a property, or had the first discussion. Sending a follow-up email to a client who ghosted you can encourage re-engagement. 

Ask customers who have already purchased their experience with your business or whether they plan to make another offer. Additionally, you can request your clients to recommend you to their friends, coworkers, or acquaintances.



Every week or every month, you can send out email newsletters. These newsletters can include the latest industry trends, new listing details, or pictures/ invites of an open house event. 


Client Stories

A great technique to draw in new consumers is to include images of happy customers in your email. It boosts their confidence in you as future customers and encourages them to start a discussion or make an offer if they haven’t already.


Draft an email

High-quality content always encourages the reader to click through the email. Start by trying to compose your email copy in a thorough and direct manner. Add a personalized touch to your email by including the recipients’ names.

Don’t forget to include a compelling Call-To-Action (CTA) button after you’ve written engaging content. The reader can get a clearer understanding of what action to take next by clicking a CTA button.

Furthermore, the design of your real estate email is crucial because it will help you stand out from the crowd. Try to create or choose an eye-catching template that can quickly catch the attention of your customers. You can select email templates that sync with your company’s aesthetics. 


Email Laws & Regulations

Before sending emails, you must abide by certain legal requirements like GDPR compliance. To prevent complaints/ legal actions every nation has its own set of laws and regulations.


Sending Emails

Now is the time for sending emails. By reducing your time and effort requirements, email automation enables you to schedule and send several emails simultaneously. Use the triggered email approach to automate emails in response to various subscriber requirements and actions. 


Analyze the results

Monitoring your email’s performance allows you to determine which components are most effective. Mostly the elements like the subject line, the length of email content, sending time, etc. are tracked.

In order to determine if a campaign is successful or not, email marketers can evaluate the quality of any email by examining its click-through rate, open rate, engagement trends, and email list health.


Final Words

Real estate is a challenging and cutthroat market. To maximize your potential in this industry, you need the right tools. Email is one of the best real estate marketing platforms due to its high return on investment and marketing opportunities. 

RealE 360 is a comprehensive real estate CRM with email automation capabilities. 

By creating email lists through the RealE 360 contact database, you can make your drip campaigns more effective, move leads through your pipeline more quickly, and increase conversions.


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