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The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Video Marketing

Video marketing includes promotion of a product or service, participation in a social and digital audience, training of customers or otherwise moving people from awareness to purchase along the sales channel.

Video marketing is changing the real estate business forever, making it possible for agents and companies to generate more business, convert more customers, and sell properties. We show you the fundamentals of real estate video marketing in this quick guide.

Real Estate videos have recently begun to attract much attention. In their marketing strategies, more and more realtors started implementing videos. Videos are a marketing revolution. Videos alone are capable of packing many emotional and visual desires, all in one go. In comparison to other means of information, it was also found that videos are retained more frequently. It works particularly well for real estate since the field is focused on the customer’s emotional quotient.

It would be no false predicting that video marketing will remain here. This has been established.


Why is it so important to get real estate video marketing?

COVID-19 has given many industries an unprecedented challenge and Real Estate is one of them. With a real estate company’s painfully reduced capacity to show its customers real-time properties, the industry has come to a halt.

agencies Video advertising means that Real Estate agencies can now virtually reach their customers.

The basis of real estate is trust and cannot be won without the customer investigating the property thoroughly. Customers often visit and access the website several times in order to get this extra sense of confidence.


How can videos be used in Real Estate marketing?

When it’s about videos, Sky’s the limit. You can be completely creative as long as you make them relevant. But here are some tried and tested use cases of real estate video marketing.

  • Videos for Brand Awareness

    It’s a must for all businesses and real estate is no exception. Brand awareness is one of the first and immediate advantages that video marketing can bring. Brand videos can take your agency directly to the screens of your potential customers.
    Make videos that talk about your business, emphasize the values and goodwill. In particular, these videos work much better if they have good quality and a great storyline.

  • Virtual Property Tours

    The best offer for real-estate video marketing is property tours. Even before you contact your agency for the first time, you can virtually pass through the entire property – both inside and outside. This is one way for you to encourage your future.
    You can also show all amenities, neighborhoods, parking facilities, and other facilities. Aerial images of properties recently gained much popularity. These images can also be added to the tour video of the property to provide your perspective with that extra dose of information.
    In addition to sales, on-site tour videos save a lot of your time and the outlook. The saved time is actually saved money. Property tours also help generate information and find out which visitors to the website are interested in new properties and potential customers.

  • Client Testimonial Videos

    The largest sales driver could be client testimonial videos. 67% of consumers receive up to six reviews before trusting companies and 64% of viewers are more likely to buy after they see a video.
    Video testimonials are a combination of these two strategies that are highly convertible. If a customer looks at you well, he instantly builds confidence. This is due to their relationship with human beings. And videos are much more effective than ordinary text ones, as it’s as good as a word of mouth.
    Video testimonials combine these two highly convertible strategies. When a client takes a good look at you, he builds trust instantly. This is because of their relationship with people. And videos are much better than ordinary texts, as they are as good as word of mouth.

The Last Word

Video marketing is incredible. It can change your way of marketing your real estate agency. However, keeping them relevant is very important. All you have to do is stand in and understand your audience’s shoes. Make videos that they really appreciate.

Videos are certainly the best option for a strong marketing strategy in the prevailing times of pandemic.

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RealE 360 is a comprehensive automation solution built on the world’s #1 CRM platform ‘Salesforce’ will help modern-day realtors, real estate agents, brokerage firms spend less time on intricate processes and more time growing business portfolios.

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